Marin Areas
Pet Sitting & Dog Walking in San
Anselmo, San Rafael, Fairfax, & Surrounding Areas
Cat Boarding Marin Areas
For pet visits where I come to your home, I provide service in the
following areas within Central Marin County, California:
- Fairfax, CA (94930, 94978)
- Greenbrae, CA (94904)
- Kentfield, CA (94904)
- Ross, CA (94957)
- San Anselmo, CA (94979) - All areas, including Sleepy Hollow
- San Rafael, CA (94901) - All areas, including Dominican and Peacock Gap
For boarding services, since I board at my home, I am able to serve a much broader area. If you live
outside Central Marin, I can still provide boarding if you will meet me in Fairfax, San Anselmo, San
Rafael, or one of the other cities listed above to bring and pick up your pet.